Management Board | Élia Moura
Manager Director | Sara Moura
Director & Editor | Márcio Berenguer
Senior Reporter | Valdemar Afonso
Art Editor | BRB Creative Agency
Copy desk | Sarah-Anne Smurlick
Contributors| Alexandre Franco, Álvaro Dinis, Álvaro Marreco, Andrew Oliveira, Dara Ford, Edgar Rodrigues, Roberto Loja, Miguel Nunes Pedro, Pedro Calado, Pedro Correia.
Photos ASPRESS, Getty Images, Javier Santos/SEMILHAESTUDIO | Octávio Passos | Lusa
Printed by Ligação Visual | Trade Distribution Vasp | Circulation 10,000 copies
Moura & Berenguer, Lda: Publisher, Printer's and Editor office Travessa Luís Figueiroa Albuquerque, No3, 9060-183 Funchal | NIPC: 510 783 236 | Tel. (+351) 291 639 100 | Mobile (+351) 963 388 260 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | Copyright GOLFE Portugal & Islands | Property: GOLFE Portugal & Islands and novapress are registered trademarks, and belong to Moura & Berenguer Lda | Shareholders with more than 5% Élia Moura | Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social No 126421 | Depósito Legal No 374532/14